Water is an essential resource that sustains life on Earth. It has great importance in all aspects of life, ranging from personal hygiene, agriculture, and industry. As the world population keeps increasing, the demand for water is also on the rise. Unfortunately, the world’s water supply is finite, and with climate change, water scarcity has become a significant challenge that needs attention, hence the need to maintain and conserve water.
Water conservation refers to the sensible management and use of water resources. The ever-growing demand for water has made it necessary to conserve and protect water resources through sustainable practices. Water conservation involves reduced water wastage, reducing pollution, and protecting watersheds and ecosystems. Water conservation measures range from the installation of water-efficient appliances and fixtures to the capture and recycling of wastewater.

The need for water conservation cannot be overemphasized. The world population keeps increasing, and with the current demand for water, it is projected that water scarcity will become more prevalent in the future. Water scarcity affects every aspect of life, ranging from food production to human health, and can lead to environmental degradation, conflicts, and political instability.

It is therefore crucial to raise awareness on water conservation strategies, promote efficient water use and management, and encourage individuals, communities, and governments to take part in proactive water conservation measures. These actions are necessary, not just globally, but locally as well, knowing that here in Tacloban, water supply has become deficient.