What the teachers need
In light of the prohibition of physical punishment in disciplining unruly children, elementary and high school teachers must undergo comprehensive retraining and retooling to effectively manage classroom dynamics and address behavioral issues. With the...
Gone with time
The disappearance of movie houses from the cultural landscape of Eastern Visayas has shown a significant shift in societal entertainment preferences driven by technological advancements. It brings to mind the nostalgic essence of an...
Rice culture (Second of two parts)
But the trend is alarming than inspiring as many of us would like to believe. The departure of many from the bondage of the soil and cruel exploitation of such unjust social order had...
Staying on course
WE have to learn the art of how to stay on course in our life so that we do not get distracted, confused, entangled and lost. For this, we have to be clear about...
Overcoming Challenges and Setbacks: Empowering Aspiring Entrepreneurs
The journey of entrepreneurship is not without its fair share of challenges and setbacks. Aspiring entrepreneurs must equip themselves with resilience, adaptability, and a growth mindset to navigate these obstacles and emerge stronger. Here...
Reckless pranks
The pursuit of viral fame nowadays has led to a disturbing trend: the proliferation of dangerous pranks aimed at garnering likes and shares. From innocuous jokes to outright perilous stunts, these antics not only...