The World Bank (WB) grimly predicts the Philippines to suffer from the effects of climate change by 7.6 percent of gross domestic product by 2030 and by 13.6 percent by 2040 if the government tarries to address by reducing the off-shots of the natural calamities, e.g. typhoon, flooding, El Nino and La Nina, etc.
The World Bank Risk Index points at the Philippines ranking first among countries most affected by extreme weather events globally. Accordingly, “climate change would continue and accelerate, with temperatures in the country seen to continue to increase by about one to two degrees Celcius by the end of 21st century, rainfall patterns to change and intensify, and extreme events expected to become stronger and more frequent.”
The WB country director however, said that “faster declines in poverty and economic insecurity would also be seen with the implementation of climate change adaptation. And that, climate mitigation actions, meanwhile would provide benefits, including lower electricity costs, reduced air pollution and increased agricultural productivity.”
In closing, WB authorities advised that “the country (Philippines ) must avoid one-size-fits-all approaches, and implement climate actions that address both extremes.”
Climate change disastrous effects are here to stay and will be man’s endless problem – all because the effects are aggravated by man-made indifference to address climate change. Man cannot stop the disaster instigated by climate change, man can only find mitigating actions to minimize/reduce the natural malady.
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