Slogans like the one above can easily inspire the impoverished, but the wealthy and powerful are more likely to understand better. Groceries can be purchased with money, and happiness can also be obtained with it.

For the complicated and tangled political landscape, it aptly shows that money weigh heavier than principles than righteousness.

The realities that we collectively have this time is somewhat bleak and the future seems darker.

In the olden times there were oracles that tells the future and this time we can analyze the you tube videos and Facebook videos too. The predictions and forecasts are seemingly bleak, no good times ahead only price increase and political turmoil that would surely divert the attention of our leaders, away from the hard facts and low economic numbers. These are all clear nowadays.

So beyond the metrics, go for the things that matters, do not be dependent on money.
That’s a great question, and one that many people are interested in. Living beyond money means finding happiness and fulfillment in things that are not related to material wealth, such as relationships, hobbies, spirituality, or personal growth. Living well with little money means being able to meet your basic needs and enjoy some of the pleasures of life without spending a lot of money.

There are many ways to live beyond money and live well with little money, but they all require some planning, creativity, and discipline. Here are some general tips that might help you:

• Create a budget and stick to it. A budget is a plan for how you will spend and save your money each month. It helps you track your income and expenses, and avoid overspending or debt. You can use tools like or other budgeting software to help you create and manage your budget. You can also use cash only to make purchases, as this can help you avoid the charges that come with credit cards, and ensure you know how much you are spending1.

• Save and invest your money. Saving and investing your money can help you build your wealth and prepare for the future, while also reducing your reliance on money for happiness. You can save money by setting aside a portion of your income for savings and investments before you spend it on anything else. This is called paying yourself first21. You can also save money by finding cheaper alternatives to your favorite products and services, such as shopping around for discounts, coupons, or sales, buying second-hand or refurbished items, or making your own products at home13. You can invest your money in various ways, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or real estate, depending on your risk tolerance and goals. You can use tools like [Acorns] or other investing apps to help you invest your money automatically and easily.

• Seek experiences, not possessions. Studies have shown that experiences, such as traveling, learning, or volunteering, can bring more happiness and fulfillment than material possessions, which tend to lose their value over time21. Experiences can also enrich your life, broaden your perspective, and create lasting memories. You can seek experiences that are low-cost or free, such as visiting a local park, museum, or library, taking an online course, or joining a community group. You can also sell unused items online or at a garage sale, and use the money to fund your experiences13.

• Cultivate gratitude and contentment. One of the best ways to live beyond money and live well with little money is to appreciate what you already have and be happy with it. You can practice gratitude by writing down or saying out loud the things you are thankful for every day, or by expressing your appreciation to others. You can also practice contentment by avoiding comparison, envy, or greed, and by focusing on your values, purpose, and passions21.

• Surround yourself with like-minded people. It can be hard to live beyond money and live well with little money if you are constantly influenced by people who are obsessed with it. Try to find and connect with people who share your values and goals, and who support your efforts to live a simpler and more meaningful life. You can also join online or offline communities that promote frugality, minimalism, or financial independence21.

• Seek professional help if needed. Sometimes, the fixated gaze on money can be a symptom of a deeper psychological issue, such as anxiety, depression, or addiction. If you feel that your relationship with money is unhealthy or affecting your well-being, you may want to seek professional help from a therapist, counselor, or coach. They can help you identify and address the root causes of your money problems, and provide you with tools and strategies to overcome them21.
Sources : Smartlifesimple,