Mother Tongue-Based, Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) has been implemented in various countries as a means of providing education in children’s native languages. While it undoubtedly has its benefits, there is a growing body of evidence suggesting that removing MTB-MLE and transitioning to English as the primary language of instruction can yield significant benefits in terms of children’s English reading proficiency.

Removing MTB-MLE could pave the way for an intensified focus on English reading skills development in children. English serves as a global language of communication, commerce, and education, providing individuals with invaluable opportunities for personal growth and professional success in a globalized world. By immersing children in a predominantly English-speaking environment at an early age, they have a higher chance of achieving greater fluency, vocabulary acquisition, and overall proficiency in English, leading to improved comprehension and advanced analytical skills.

Transitioning away from MTB-MLE towards English as the medium of instruction can potentially open up a myriad of educational opportunities. English-language educational materials, academic resources, and global knowledge are predominantly available in English, and removing MTB-MLE can help bridge the gap in accessing these resources.

Moreover, with the ease of communication through the English language, children can better integrate into multicultural societies and exchange ideas across diverse communities, fostering a sense of global consciousness and facilitating cross-cultural understanding.

Reading in English from an early age can positively impact children’s cognitive development and critical thinking abilities. Learning a new language challenges the brain and stimulates neural connections, strengthening memory, problem-solving skills, and overall cognitive flexibility. As children engage with challenging English texts, they develop advanced analytical skills, effectively enhancing their comprehension, interpretation, and critical evaluation capacities – traits vital for success in higher education and professional life.

English literacy resources encompass a vast array of high-quality content, ranging from classic literature, scientific literature, and cutting-edge research publications to digital platforms promoting innovative approaches to education. By removing MTB-MLE and allowing children to read in English, they gain access to an extensive range of educational materials, expanding their knowledge horizons, and fostering a love for learning. This exposure to diverse literature and engaging materials can contribute to the development of well-rounded individuals with a broad perspective on various subject matters.

While MTB-MLE has its own merits, the potential advantages of transitioning to English as the primary language of instruction are undeniable, ranging from enhanced English language skills development and educational opportunities to improved cognitive development and access to quality literacy resources. The removal of MTB-MLE can lay a strong foundation for children to excel academically, foster cross-cultural integration, and equip them with critical thinking skills required to navigate an increasingly globalized world.

Transitioning away from MTB-MLE in favor of English as the primary language of instruction can significantly enhance children’s English reading proficiency and subsequent intellectual growth.