The energy consuming products (ECP) are now included in the Philippine Energy Labeling Program (PELP) according to the Department of Energy (DOE).
The ECP products used for cleaning and laundry, cooking, and food processing, cooling, heating and ventilating, grooming and personal care, information and communication equipment, and lighting are now covered in the PELP. Earlier, DOE included in the PELP house hold items like air conditioners, refrigerating appliances, television sets and lighting products. One notes that the national labeling of ECPs listed above was meant to promote the energy consumers welfare further.
Incumbent DOE Secretary Raphael Lotilla was quoted saying that ”with conservation and efficient utilization energy among the major strategies of the government to realize energy self-sufficiency and reduce environmental impacts of energy generation and utilization, we are now expanding the coverage.”
Also, ECPs with or without a prescribed minimum energy performance products (MEPP) requirement are now required to bear the energy label that specifies the energy efficiency rating of the product model.
“According to the DOE, non-compliance, removal, defacing, or altering of the energy label will be subjected to fines, penalties, and criminal liability as provided under the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act. Penalties include the imposition of fines, from P100,000 for the first offense toP1 million for the third offense.
Strict implementation and monitoring by the DOE agents of the PELP measure on items classified as ECPs by the DOE is paramount to the success in promoting the energy consumers welfare. This is a well-thought of strategy of the Executive Branch to help conserve and efficiently use energy resources by the government.
NEXT TOPIC: “DA tightens Biosecurity Standards for Hog facilities”
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