Order more than ever
WITH all the rapid pace of the developments and the multiplying number of things grabbing our attention today, we really need to get hold of a stable foundation, something that offers an anchor or...
Forming the youth
ONE of the occasional advantages of being a senior citizen is to see the welcoming sight of talents emerging among the young people in the different fields of human interest.
Young prodigies can be seen...
Year of the Laity
OUR beloved bishops have declared 2014 as the Year of the Laity. I suppose it is part of the 9-year preparation, a novena of sorts, for the celebration of the fifth centennial of the...
Faith, fiction and the imagination
HUMAN as we are, we are always in some need of imagination. We cannot rely on our senses alone, or only on the things that we see, touch and smell. There’s a far richer...
Spirit of recollection in the world
THIS is a skill we have to cultivate and practise all the time. Remember St. Paul telling us: “If you have risen with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is sitting...
When poverty is most advisable
THERE’S, of course, a good and a bad poverty. The bad one is common and obvious enough to see, and we have every right and duty to eliminate it. It comes in many forms,...