operations in the barangays of Tacloban s part of its effort to strengthen the city’s fiscal base.
TACLOBAN CITY-To assist in developing a strong fiscal base for the local government, the City Assessor’s Office (CAO), in the performance of its mandate to declare all real properties within Tacloban City, is conducting real property inventory operations (RPIO) in various barangays in the city.
For this week, employees from the said office conducted an appraisal and data gathering at Barangays 84 in San Jose and 3 Upper Nula-tula for issuance of tax declarations and revenue generation, according to provisions of local laws and Bureau of Local Government Finance (BLGF) assessment regulations.
Since the RPIO kicked off in 2019 to November 2020, CAO was able to declare 1, 163 real property units from 20 barangays out of 138 here.
Meantime, tax declarations with the total assessed value of P127, 086, 040.00 were issued to property declarants.
By 2021, an additional P6, 075, 364.70 real property taxes is expected to be collected by the City Treasurer’s Office from properties subject to RPIO and shall be added to the coffers of the local government, the City Assessor’s reported.