STOP VOTE-BUYING. Palo Archbishop John Du, this early, issued an appeal to voters candidates alike to stop vote-buying saying this could affect the credibility of the results of the elections. The country is set to hold elections on May 13,2019.

He also calls on candidates not to resort to violence
TACLOBAN CITY–The region’s top prelate issued an appeal for candidates running in this year’s midterm elections not to resort to violence and to avoid vote-buying.
Archbishop John Du of the Archdiocese of Palo made this appeal amid information that as early as now, some of the candidates, particularly those seeking for local posts, will resort to vote-buying and violence just to win seats.
Du said that by not resorting to vote-buying or polls violence, candidates could help ensure that the balloting at least in Eastern Visayas will be smooth and peaceful.
“I pray that the (forthcoming elections) will be honest and clean (balloting),” the archbishop, who is an official of the influential Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), said.
Archbishop Du, as he issued his appeal to the candidates, also made the same plea to the voters saying they should make sure that their votes would remain sacred by not allowing themselves to be bought or cowed.
“They have to keep the sacredness of their votes. That is their privilege and their right,” he said.
“Voters should choose the best and right leaders who can really serve the people,” Du added.
Under our elections law, vote-buying is considered illegal though it remains to be unabated and rampant every conduct of elections with the Commission on Elections admitting that they find some difficulties in punishing those involved due to lack of evidence and cooperation, particularly from the voters themselves.
The appeal of Archbishop Du was supported by Bishop Crispin Varquez of the Diocese of Borongan.
In a video message, Bishop Varquez said that he is alarmed with the “distorted value” of people nowadays.
This distorted value is present during election period where people instead of looking for candidates who are qualified in the positions, would resort to sell their votes and those who are running would buy votes, Varquez said.
“This has become normal, but this is wrong and unethical. Election is about choosing and not about buying,” he said.
Bishop Varquez said that if the practice on vote-buying will continue, change of governance and dream of development that people aspire will not be realized but rather their situation will continue to remain the same because they chose the wrong leaders.
“Nothing good happens to us, to Filipinos,” Varquez said.
“It’s now time to change, decide for change. This coming elections, let us vote for the best candidates. Do not accept money, don’t sell your vote. Let us stand against systemic corruption and do what is right,” the bishop of Borongan added.
By: Real T. Amazona