The Philippine Statistics Authority Regional Statistical Services Office VIII (PSA RSSO VIII) is pleased to announce the launch of the 34th Civil Registration Month this February 2024. This year’s theme “CRVS The Future of Seamless Services” – spotlights the critical role that birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates and other vital records play in enabling Filipinos’ access to healthcare, education, voting, property ownership, and other critical services.

Proclamation No. 682 signed by former President Corazon C. Aquino on 28 January 1991 declares the month of February of every year as Civil Registration Month (CRM). Civil Registration Month reminds us that identity and efficient access to services begins with reliable records. When vital life events are properly documented, individuals can more seamlessly obtain healthcare, vote, attend school and claim benefits. We encourage all Filipinos to take pride in our Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) systems this month and consider how we can continue expanding inclusion.

Festivities will kick off on 31 January 2024 at 8:00 AM with a lively motorcade through downtown Tacloban City featuring the participation of the Regional Inter-Agency Committee on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics of Region VIII (RIACCRVS VIII) member agencies, other National and Local Government Agencies, members of the Academe, and more. Community members are encouraged to come out and cheer the motorcade along the route.

After the motorcade, a formal launch ceremony will be held at 9:00 AM on the ground floor of Gaisano Capital along Real Street, Tacloban City. Attendees will hear remarks from PSA RSSO VIII officials on the importance of robust civil registration systems and efforts to continue increasing registration rates across the region. The program will be participated in by PSA RSSO VIII personnel, RIACCRVS VIII representatives, Regional and Provincial Civil Registrars Officers, students, and other stakeholders. (PR)